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Thank you once again and here's a smiley face from me :D

Thursday 5 May 2011

Update on my SATs week.

Hehe, I kinda didn't revise as much as I should've for the maths :$ Paper 1 was diabolically hard. Paper 2 was soooooooooooooooooo easy. The very same papers in the image! Though knowing me, I'd have gotten the easy marks wrong! Not gonna jinx it ><" But everything else was "eff" easy! The science papers I could probably do in my sleep! Compared to the practice science papers, they were so simple! The English papers I've done were okay - I could've described a lot better in the "writing to describe" part of the paper, but what's done is done. Only got one test left - mental maths. And that shouldn't be too hard?