Horoscope 1:
- What is an earth weightiness and how can you feel it :S (earth weightiness bit)
- Relationships with me are always difficult. Especially with the 'rents. (relationships diff. situation bit)
- The sky + clouds were lovely yesterday! (clouds light up bit)
- Oh my gosh! How did they know about the last minute homework?! They must be psychic. (last minute planning bit)
- I'm guessing they're talking about the school gate? (starting gate bit)
Horoscope 2:
- Stood up for what I believed in - didn't get very far. (stand up for what you believe today bit)
Horoscope 3:
- Did a bit of "communicating feelings" and worked on my communication skills - via Facebook and this blog. (pretty much all the paragraph)
Well, I could find things and interpret them to fit the horoscope but it's all a little too vague for me. I still think they're trying to con you! Although it was a bit cool when I read the last minute planning bit :L
"I do my work at the same time each day - the last minute." -Author Unknown
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